Asphalt Tennis Court and Sports Court Maintenance Services

Serving Palm Beach, Martin and St Lucie County

Maintaining your Asphalt Tennis court or sports court in South Florida is one of the most important things you can do to preserve the longevity of its appearance. The hot and rainy climate can wreak havoc on your court if not properly maintained. Like changing the oil in your car, properly cleaning and inspecting your court once a year is very critical. To maximize the useful life of any type of court, we recommend that owners develop and implement a regular schedule of maintenance. Tennis court resurfacing, restoration and maintenance are specialties of Professional Tennis Court Services and mainstays of our business. Season after season, we help our South Florida clients keep their courts in optimal playing condition!


Annual Asphalt Court Maintenance:

Each year PTCS maintains hundreds of Asphalt Courts for another sunny South Florida season of play. Annual maintenance is typically performed in the spring and includes the following:

  • Yearly inspection for cracking, peeling and other forms of damage to the court. Small repairs can be done to fill in the cracks and is usually done when they are minor and the unevenness is not extreme.
  • Regularly inspect, clean and repair the area drains outside the court. Water penetration is a major cause of the deterioration of asphalt surfaces. Proper drainage reduces the risk of early damage and prevents accidents that are typical of a slippery or wet and worn out surface.
  • Caulk and seal expansion joints. This prevents the water from reaching below the court slab which can lead to heaving or settlement issues and expensive repairs.

To further assist our clients in South Florida, PTCS can create a custom maintenance plan for each facility. We also make ourselves available for continuing touch-up maintenance throughout the playing season. Contact us today for a free consultation!

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Ready to get started? Contact us today!

Have a question or would like an estimate? Tell us the details of your project and we’ll schedule to come out to give an estimated quote and timeline for the work needed!